On 22 May 2015 during the meeting of the Plenary Assembly of CRASP in Łodź Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki, The President of Stering Committee of Program presented the "Higher education development program by 2020" which was prepared by Polish Rectors Foundation for the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland.
The final version of Program consists of five volumes and includes four detailed reports of groups of researchers headed by following leaders:
1. Summary of work conducted in accordance to the higher education development program by 2020 and its most important elements - prof. Jerzy Woźnicki
2. The social mission of higher education in the XXI century - ks. prof Andrzej Szostek
3. Current state of higher education - prof. Jarosław Górniak
4. Funding of universities by public funds - prof. Jerzy Wilkin
5. Deregulation of the higher education system- prof. Jerzy Woźnicki
The Plenary Assembly of CRASP adopted the Program prepared by PRF and claimed that mission accomplished.
The act of Plenary Assembly of CRASP >>>