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- Publications
- A Study on Current and Prospective Impact of Demography on Higher Education in Poland
- Analiza współpracy uczelni polskich i ukraińskich na tle porównania systemów szkolnictwa wyższego. Wnioski i rekomendacje.
- Program rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego do 2020 r. Część I - Opis prac nad Programem rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego do 2020 r. i jego najważniejsze elementy
- Program rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego do 2020 r. Część II - Misja społeczna uniwersytetu w XXI wieku
- Program rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego do 2020 r. Część III - Diagnoza szkolnictwa wyższego
- Program rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego do 2020 r. Część IV - Finansowanie szkół wyższych ze środków publicznych
- Program rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego do 2020 r. Część V - Deregulacja w systemie szkolnictwa wyższego
- Zarządzanie prawami własności intelektualnej w świetle analizy regulaminów uczelnianych
- Regulaminy zarządzania własnością intelektualną w szkołach wyższych w świetle znowelizowanej ustawy Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym - poradnik
- Poziom 5 - brakujące ogniwo?
- Benchmarking procesu wdrażania Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji w polskich uczelniach
- Raport Fundacji Rektorów Polskich w ramach projektu pn. "Ochrona własności intelektualnej w kontekście naruszania praw w tym zakresie
- Financing and Deregulation in Higher Education
- Dziesięciolecie Fundacji Rektorów Polskich
- Nowe reguły finansowania szkół wyższych oparte na zasadzie współfinansowania studiów- doświadczenia międzynarodowe
- Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne (PPP) w świetle doświadczeń międzynarodowych oraz strategii rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego 2010-2020
- Benchmarking w systemie szkolnictwa wyższego. Wybrane problemy
- Model współdziałania uczelni poblicznych i niepublicznych - stan obecny i perspektywy
- Współdziałanie uczelni poblicznych i niepublicznych - opinie rektorów
- Przyszłość Unii Europejskiej a traktat ustanawiający konstytucję dla Europy
- A Study on Current and Prospective Impact of Demography on Higher Education in Poland
- Polska w Unii Europejskiej wobec wyzwań globalnego społeczeństwa informacyjnego
- Co nam przynosi Konstytucja Europejska?
- Zadania polskich szkół wyższych w realizacji Strategii Lizbońskiej
- Budżetowe instrumenty finansowania B+R w Polsce: propozycja na lata 2005-2015
- Raport o zasadach poszanowania autorstwa w pracach dyplomowych oraz doktorskich w instytucjach akademickich i naukowych
- Problemy kultury w aspektach europjeskich
- Tożsamość europejska a tożsamość polska
- Zadania polskich szkół wyższych w realizacji nowej Strategii Lizbońskiej
- Polska w Zjednoczonej Europie: Substrat ludzki i kapitał społeczny
- Regulacje Prawne, dobre wzorce i praktyki dotyczące korzystania przez podmioty gospodarcze z wyników prac badawczych i innych osiągnięć intelektualnych instytucji akademickich i naukowych
- Nowe podejście do standardów kształcenia w szkolnictwie wyższym.
- Założenia dotyczące rozwoju systemu informacji zarządczej w szkołach wyższych w Polsce.
- Społeczna odpowiedzialność uczelni
- Uczelnie akademickie jako instytucje życia publicznego
- Europejskie szanse polskiej młodzieży
- Model awansu naukowego w Polsce
- „Poziom 5 – brakujące ogniwo? Przykłady programów kształcenia”
- Memorandum dotyczące polityki kontroli antypalgiatowej prac dyplomowych na polskich uczelniach
- Poziom 5 – brakujące ogniwo? Aspekty Praktyczne
- Identyfikacja i uzasadnienie kierunków regulacji o kluczowym znaczeniu w ustawie prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce
- Raport FRP-Pearson "Propozycje zmian przepisów dotyczących kształcenia na 5 poziomie PRK"
- Raport "Szkolnictwo wyższe a technologie"
- Misja, społeczna rola i kultura instytucjonalna Konferencji Rektorów Akademickich Szkół Polskich
- Raport "Kontrola zarządcza w uczelniach"
- Прогноз розвитку вищої освіти в Польщі до 2030 року. Візія, місія, умови та варіанти розвитку
- Projects
- Szkoły Zarządzania Strategicznego
- School of Strategic Governance in Higher Education
- Joint projects by the Polish Rectors Foundation and Public Consulting Group Poland
- Joint projects with the Company “” include the following activities
- Polish-Ukrainian projects
- Level 5 of the National Qualification Framework
- Polish Rectors Foundation an associate partner in the EUA Project NEWLEAD
- Erasmus + Project „AGILE - Higher education resilience in refugee crises: forging social inclusion through capacity building, civic engagement and skills recognition”
- Projekt pn. „Szkolnictwo wyższe a technologie”
- Projekt pn. „Digital Learning Solutions w szkolnictwie wyższym”
- Partners
- Events
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- The Discussion Forum about National Frameworks of Qualification
- Schools of Strategic Management organized by Polish Rectors Foundation in 2012
- Next meeting of Disscussion Forum about National Frameworks of Qualification
- II Seminar PRF-IKS for doctoral students
- Badge of honor for Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki
- The II Meeting of the Discussion Forum about National Frameworks of Qualification
- The III Meeting of the Discussion Forum about National Frameworks of Qualification
- The 2nd Conference of the Centre for Research and Dialogue of Polish Rectors Foundation
- The meeting of the Supervisory Board of Polish Rectors Foundation
- .
- "Benchmarking in the higher education. Selected Issues"
- 1% TAX for PRF
- The 2nd Conference of the Centre for Research and Dialogue of Polish Rectors Foundation
- IV Seminar for doctoral students organized by Polish Rectors Foundation and Institute of Knowledge Society
- International conference "Higher Education in Ukraine: Internationalization, Reform, Innovation"
- The 15th Anniversary of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland
- XI School of Strategic Management of Polish Rectors Foundation
- XII Plenary Assembly of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities
- The conference entitled "Performance model of doctoral studies. One year after the new act has been adopted"
- The 10th Anniversary of the Polish Rectors Foundation
- XII School of Strategic Management for Rectors who have been elected for the term of office 2012-2016
- The President of Polish Rectors Foundation a member of CRASP Presidium
- Assembly of the Founders of the Polish Rectors Foundation
- Continuation of the seminar for doctoral students in the academic year 2012/2013
- Visit in Dnipropetrovsk
- Inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2012/2013 at the Warsaw University of Technology - Branch in Płock
- Visit in Astana
- The next edition of the Seminar for doctoral students
- CRASP Presidium Meeting and Plenary Assembly
- I Plenary Assembly of KOiL KRASP
- The proposals of conditions of granting authorizations to confer the PhD degrees in the field of social science, in a discipline of public policy
- Appeal to the Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Poland
- The II FRP-ISW Seminar for doctoral students
- XIII School of Strategic Management of Polish Rectors Foundation for chancellors, bursars and financial directors
- The Meeting of Senate of Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)
- 1% TAX for PRF
- The Symposium entitled "Financing and Deregulation in Higher Education System"
- CRASP statement on disturbances to freedom of discussion in academic institutions
- The President of PRF Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki attending the meeting in the Minstry of Science and Higher Education about debates in HEIs
- XIII School of Strategic Management of Polish Rectors Foundation for chancellors, bursars and financial directors
- II Plenary Assembly of KOiL KRASP
- The Symposium organized by the Centre for Research and Dialogue of Polish Rectors Foundation
- CRASP Presidium Meeting and Plenary Assembly
- The declaration of Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki on the willingness to be a candidate for the General Council of Science and Higher Education
- IV Seminar for doctoral students organized by Polish Rectors Foundation and Institute of Knowledge Society
- XIII School of Strategic Management of Polish Rectors Foundation
- The 25th Anniversary of the Faculty of Social Sciences of University of Wrocław
- Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki - the member of the Committee of Strategic Economic Thought
- Expert Seminar "Financing universities and competitiveness of higher education system"
- III Plenary Assembly of KOiL KRASP
- CRASP Presidium Meeting
- Assembly of the Founders of the Polish Rectors Foundation and the Institute of Knowledge Society
- The conference "Science and higher education - the challenges of the contemporary world"
- Inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2013/2014 at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
- ISW-FRP Seminar for doctoral students in the academic year 2013/2014
- CRASP Presidium Meeting and Plenary Assembly
- Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
- The Seminar "Level 5. - the lacking part in the National Frameworks of Qualification"
- The meeting of a President of Polish Rectors Foundation and the President of the Union of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine
- I Seminar for doctoral students organized by Polish Rectors Foundation and Institute of Knowledge Society in the academic year 2013/2014
- Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki has been elected President of the General Council of Science and Higher Education
- PRF President at the conference Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC)
- The interview with Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki presented by the Canal I National Television of Ukraine on 16 February 2015
- is a strategic partner of PRF-IKS
- "Higher education development program by 2020" prepared by PRF for the CRASP
- 1% TAX for IKS
- 1% TAX for PRF
- XVI School of Strategic Management in higher education for chancellors, bursars and financial directors
- The President of Polish Rectors Foundation has been elected a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
- "Higher education development program by 2020" adopted by Plenary Assembly of CRASP
- XVI School of Strategic Management of Polish Rectors Foundation for Chancellors and Bursars/Financal Directors
- Visit in Kiev
- Debate on the future of science and universities in Poland
- Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
- Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki was a guest of the " The Signal of the day" in the I Polish Radio.
- President of PRF Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki, in attended a meeting of representatives of the scientific circles and the Prime Ministe
- Meeting of the Founders Assembly of the Polish Rectors Foundation and the Institute of Society Knowledge
- Inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2014/2015 at the Silesian University of Technology
- Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki was the guest the WP TV in the Program "Dziejesienazywo"
- Debate initiated by the newspaper "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna" about higher education
- Inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2014/2015 at the Lublin University of Technology
- Inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2014/2015 at the Katowice School of Economics
- Think-tank PRF-IKS in Higher Education: A Worldwide Inventory of Research Centers, Academic Programs, and Journals and Publications. 3rd Edition
- The Lumen Awards 2015
- Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki was a guest of Program I Polish Radio
- The conference "Ideas of Knowledge and Value Conflicts"
- PRF is substantive partner of LUMEN 2017 Competition
- XIX School of Strategic Management in higher education for chancellors, bursars and financial directors
- The Commission on Strategic Problems in Higher Education
- Contemporary challenges in the management of university. The antyplagiarism standards that increase the quality of education
- PRF meets EUA experts
- LUMEN 2017 - Conference and Competition Gala
- Trilateral Agreement on partnership and cooperation between CRASP, URHEIU and PRF
- XX School of Strategic Management in higher education for chancellors, bursars and financial directors
- "Higher education in the period of transformation '2018"
- Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
- Results of the work of the CRASP Strategic Problems of Higher Education Committee – Report No. 6
- Publishing company “Polish Scientific Publishers PWN” becomes a strategic partner for Polish Rectors Foundation - Institute of Knowledge Society
- Ukrainian - Polish Seminar "Activities of national rectors’ conferences in Poland and Ukraine on the European background" in Lutsk, Ukraine
- Summary of the XXth School of Strategic Governance in Higher Education for Chancellors and Bursars / Financial Directors
- Results of the work of the CRASP Strategic Problems of Higher Education Committee –- Report No. 7
- Seminar on New legal framework of the university performance in Ukraine.
- Summary of the Conference for Leaders in University Management LUMEN 2018
- The Project “Polish – Ukrainian cooperation of academic stakeholder organisations representing rectors for improving university performance”
- 12th EUROPE-UKRAINE FORUM (24-25 January 2019), Rzeszow
- The President of Polish Rectors Foundation Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki has been elected an member of Group on Monitoring of the Higher Education and Science Reform Implementation
- Polish-Ukrainian national conferences meeting in Poznan
- The 3rd edition of the Award contest „Leaders in University Management LUMEN”
- The conference ‘Transformation of academic higher education in Poland in the period of 30 years: 1989-2019’
- International conference of the Erasmus+ project DASCHE: “Social competences – the new dimension of the traditional mission of higher education”
- LUMEN 2019 Conference and Competition
- XXIII PRF School on Strategic Governance in Higher Education for Rectors and Vice-rectors
- Lumen 2020 Conference
- Webinar - Level 5 of the National Qualification Framework
- Polish Rectors Foundation an associate partner in the EUA Project NEWLEAD
- International Higher Education Forum
- Times Higher Education becomes the partner of LUMEN 2021 Conference
- Lumen 2021 Online 7th Conference
- Lumen 2022 Online 8th Conference
- Erasmus + Project „AGILE - Higher education resilience in refugee crises: forging social inclusion through capacity building, civic engagement and skills recognition”
- The CoMMiTTEd project
- The Polish Rectors Foundation signature of the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment
- The XXVIIth School of Strategic Governance in Higher Education for Chancellors and Bursars / Financial Directors
- A new report in the AGILE project
- 9th Conference LUMEN 2023 November 20-21, 2023
- NEWLEAD Final Event
- The second AGILE publication "Principles for institutional change and curriculum design to welcome refugee students in Higher Education"
- AGILE Summer School for exiled students:17-21 June 2024
- Webinar - Tools and communities to safeguard Ukrainian cultural heritage under threat - the higher education contribution
- Webinar - Questioning the scholarly integration of refugee students beyond academia
- The second AGILE publication "Landscape analysis of Higher Education crisis support mechanisms and initiatives for refugee students"
- Webinar "#ScienceForUkraine: 2 Years of Grassroots Activism in Support of Ukrainian Science During the War"
- Webinar "Training and coaching for innovation and entrepreneurship skills of displaced and refugee academics."
- Crowdsourcing sprint "Collective Voices for Refugee Solutions" 15 Novemver 2024
- Contact