Od 2020 r. ramach partnerstwa strategicznego eksperci z ramienia FRP oraz przedstawiciele Wydawnictwa Naukowego PWN wspólnie pracują nad analizą nowoczesnych rozwiązań edukacyjnych, a także nad perspektywą rozwoju narzędzi Open Science. 

Fundacja i Wydawnictwo Wolters Kluwer Polska w 2021 r. rozpoczęły realizację projektu dotyczącego cyfryzacji polskich uczelni.

The Polish Rectors Foundation has joined the consortium of the 3-year AGILE project, which will be implemented as part of the Erasmus+ program in 2022-2025.

Polish Rectors Foundation became an associate partner in the international EUA Project NEWLEAD - Innovative Leadership and Change Management in Higher Education.

PRF together with Pearson Central Europe has been working on the implementation of the project entitled "Level 5 of the Polish NQF" which aims at introducing of the level 5 into the system of higher education, which includes the following activities.

Projects implemented within the framework of the Polish-Ukrainian Research Project.

Joint projects with the Company “Plagiat.pl” include the following activities:

Projects implemented together with the Public Consulting Group Academia.

According to the strategic partnership with the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, the Polish Rectors Foundation organizes Schools of Strategic Governance in Higher Education for top-university managers (rectors, vice-rectors, chancellors, bursars). It is a long-term program of permanent activities aiming at professionalizing and improving of higher education management and development leadership at Polish universities. The program activities are coordinated by the Consultative Team composed of KRASP and FRP representatives. The Schools are organized for chancellors and bursars annually, and for rectors/vice/rectors biannually (the School at the beginning of the rectors’ term for newly elected rectors and the School of half-term).