On the 14th of July, PRF has welcomed EUA-PRF expert meeting which was held in terms of the site visit to Poland within the USTREAM project (Universities for Strategic, Efficient and Autonomous Management), led by EUA. Meeting with PRF was among meeting with selected universities and ministerial representatives.
The objective for the visit was to get evidence for Polish HE governance both on the level of national policy making and institutional case studies.
EUA was represented by Thomas Estermann, Director for Governance, Funding and Public Policy Development, Veronika Kupriyanova, Policy & Project Officer and Julia Iwinska, Director of Strategic Planning, Central European University (USTREAM partner). Polish Rectors Foundation was represented by prof. Jerzy Woźnicki, members of PRF Management Board prof. Andrzej Kraśniewski and prof. Ewa Chmielecka, and PhD Iryna Degtyarova, adjunct researcher. Prof. Zbigniew Marciniak was also invited to take part in the meeting as a Vice-Chairman of National Council for Science and Higher Education of Poland.
T.Estermann presented the USTREAM project and its interim findings and further events, among them peer-learning seminars and national policy dialogue as well as EUA Funding Forum in 2018 in Barcelona. Prof. J.Woźnicki told about the Polish Rectors Foundation focusing on the activities in the area of higher education governance and public policy development. Moreover, he highlights the strong role of CRASP and National Council for Science and Higher Education in the development of policy in higher education and research. In a conclusion, it was stressed, that while exploring efficiency of higher education management or providing support measures it is highly important to preserve the true university mission.