On 13 and 14 November, the third edition of the conference for leaders in university management LUMEN 2017, combined with the gala presentation of awards for the best implemented projects and initiatives in Polish higher education, was held in Warsaw. The initiator of the LUMEN conference, and its main organizer, is the company PCG Academia. Substantive patronage over the project is held by the Polish Rectors Foundation.
LUMEN 2017 Conference
The conference was solemnly opened by the president of PCG Polska, Professor Łukasz Sułkowski, guests were also welcomed by the CEO of the Public Consulting Group Inc. – William S. Mosakowski, the president of the Polish Rectors Foundation, Professor Jerzy Woźnicki and the President of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, Professor Jan Szmidt. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education was represented by the undersecretary of state, Professor Łukasz Szumowski, and the Head of the Minister’s Office, Piotr Müller, who read a welcome letter to the guests from the Deputy Prime Minister, Jarosław Gowin.
More information about the LUMEN 2017 Conference on the website PCG Academia
LUMEN 2017 Competition
LUMEN 2017 statuettes were awarded to the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in the Development category, Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in the Management category and Koźmiński University in the Cooperation category.
The Competition Board decided to present three special awards, to the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, the Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the University of Lodz, for achievements exceeding the formal framework of competition categories.
The partners of the LUMEN 2017 Conference and Competition were: Bank Zachodni WBK, implementing the Santander Universidades programme, the company Pearson CEE and the “Rzeczpospolita” journal.
The “Rzeczpospolita” Journal on the LUMEN 2017 Conference and Gala
Download the article in PDF format.
Trailer Konferencji i Gali Lumen 2017 >>>
Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki o Ustawie 2.0 >>>
Prof. Leonid Huberski o zmianach w szkolnictwie wyższym >>>
Prof. Jan Szmidt o Ustawie 2.0 >>>