On April 24th, 2012 the IV Seminar PRF-IKS for doctoral students entitled "The role of higher education in the development of the knowledge society" took place at the Polish Rectors Foundation.

On the 20th of April 2012, The Centre for Research and Dialogue of Polish Rectors Foundation together with the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow organized a conference entitled: "Financing and public-private partnership in higher education - Polish practice and international experience" . The university hosted more than 70 people, including representatives from HEIs and media. It was the second conference CAD PRF organized as a part of the cycle "Convergence of public and private sectors in higher education".

We encourage you to donate 1% of your annual tax to the Polish Rectors Foundation. The Polish Rectors Foundation has a Public Benefit Organization status. That means that every Polish tax-payer can deduct 1% of his/her annual tax to this organization. All 1% donations are dedicated to realise its mission, which is the development of education, science and culture in Poland.

As a part of a publishing cycle PRF-IKS  a new book was published - publication entitled "Benchmarking w systemie szkolnictwa wyższego. Wybrane problemy"(Benchmarking in the higher education. Selected Issues) edited by Professor  Jerzy Woźnicki. 

It is with deep sadness we received an information of the passing away of Vice-Rector for financial and employment policy at the Jagiellonian University, Professor Michał du Vall. On behalf of the Polish Rectors Foundation, Professor Jerzy Woźnicki sent a letter of condolence to HM Rector of Jagiellonian University.

On March 9th, 2012 a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Polish Rectors Foundation took place. The Board examined the report of the activity of IKS, approved the Institute's annual accounts for 2011 and gave a discharge to the Management Board.

On the 20th of April 2012 The Centre for Research and Dialogue of Polish Rectors Foundation together with the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow organized - as part of a cycle "Convergence of public and private sectors in higher education" - a conference entitled: "Financing and public-private partnership in higher education - polish practice and international experience". Details about this conference and application form can be found on the following website http://www.wsiz.rzeszow.pl/konferencja.

On March 7th, 2012 at the Polish Rectors Foundation the III Seminar was held as part of a cycle of the Discussion Forum for National Frameworks of Qualification. The moderators were: Prof. Andrzej Kraśniewski and Prof. Zbigniew Marciniak. This meeting ended the cycle of seminars about problems with NFQ, which were organized by the Polish Rectors Foundation.

On February 16th, 2012 at the Polish Rectors Foundation the II Seminar was held as part of a cycle of the Discussion Forum about National Frameworks of Qualification.

On the 6th of February 2012 Professor Jerzy Woźnicki, the President of the Polish Rectors Foundation was awarded badge of honor "for his contributions to Polish banking system" by the President of the National Bank of Poland.