The meeting of high representatives of academic communities from Poland and Ukraine was held on 14th November, 2017 at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland.

On 13 and 14 November, the third edition of the conference for leaders in university management LUMEN 2017, combined with the gala presentation of awards for the best implemented projects and initiatives in Polish higher education, was held in Warsaw. The initiator of the LUMEN conference, and its main organizer, is the company PCG Academia. Substantive patronage over the project is held by the Polish Rectors Foundation.

On the 14th of July, PRF has welcomed EUA-PRF expert meeting which was held in terms of the site visit to Poland within the USTREAM project (Universities for Strategic, Efficient and Autonomous Management), led by EUA. Meeting with PRF was among meeting with selected universities and ministerial representatives.

The conference "Contemporary challenges in the management of university. The antyplagiarism standards that increase the quality of education" took place on 23 May 2017 at  Zachęta – National Gallery of ART in Warsaw.

On 17th November 2016 during the CRASP Presidium Meeting  was initiated on the term 2016-20 the Commission on Strategic Problems in Higher Education. The main aims, team and function were acted during the Plenary Assembly of CRASP.

From 4 till 7 June 2017 in "Zamek Gniew" Hotel in Gniew the XIX School of Strategic Management of Polish Rectors Foundation for chancellors, bursars and financial directors will take place.

Polish Rectors Foundation in copperation with  PCG Academia is the substantive partner of Leaders in University Management – LUMEN 2017 Competition.  Submissions of best projects in efficient university management will be accepted until 30 June via the website

On 28 October 2015 the President of PRF Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki participated in the conference "Ideas of Knowledge and Value Conflicts" which was devoted to the memory of Stefan Amsterdamski. The conference was organized by the The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology from Polish Academy of Sciences and the Graduate School for Social Research IPS PAS.

Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki was the moderator of panel discussion "The reform of science and higher education. The Graduate School for Social Research" with prof. Ewa Chmielecka and Prof. V. Tomusk.

The gallery from conference >>>

On 27 October 2015 Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki was a guest of the audition of Krzsztof Michalski "The evening of reserchers" in Program I Polish Radio.

The interview concerned the future of science and universities in Poland, with special emphasis on the problems with financing the science researches.,Czy-pieniadze-ulecza-nauke-Przyszlosc-polskich-uczelni

The Polish Rectors Foundation has been assumed patronage of the Leaders in University Management Conference entitled "Lumen 2015", which will be organized by: Public Consulting Group and "Perspektive".

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