We would like to kindly inform you that there is no more places for the Disscussion Forum about National Frameworks of Qualification, which will take place on the 16th of February. We encourage you to sign up for the upcoming Discussion Forum meeting on the 7th of March at the Polish Rectors Foundation (Górnośląska 14 street). The moderators of the discussion will be: prof. Andrzej Kraśniewski and prof. Zbigniew Marciniak.

Polish Rectors Foundation, in compliance with the guidelines of the Program of Permanent Projects of competence building of staff responsible for administering and/or managing higher education institutions, which is realized in a strategic partnership  with CRASP -PRF is going to organize the following undertakings: XI SSM PRF for bursars and chancellors, XII SSM for Rectors-Elect.

The CRASP's Office, at the request of the President of CRASP, Prof. Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow,  send the details about Discussion Forum about National Frameworks of Qualification, which will be organized by Polish Rectors Foundation. Below you can find the letter from the President of CRASP, the information about Discussion Forum and application form.